Homeopathy For Grief

Homeopathy For Grief

The Center For Homeopathic Education – United Kingdom

All remedies discussed in this course may be purchased at www.HomeopathicRemediesOnline.com

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This article lists homeopathic remedies for grief. If you are struggling to cope with your grief and your mental health is suffering, seek the advice of a qualified practitioner.

Homeopathy For Grief

We have all had to face grief at some point in our lives. It is a multifaceted response to loss, particularly the loss of someone or something to which you formed a bond. The empathy that grows from surviving grief is something that links every person and animal on the planet.

Although grief is conventionally focused on the emotional response to loss, it also has physical, cognitive, behavioral, social, and philosophical dimensions.

Grief is a natural reaction to loss. It is the emotional suffering one experiences when facing an involuntary change or the end of a familiar pattern of behavior.

There are many stages of grief (denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance) though people experience them differently and often in a different order. You may also experience other emotions during grief, such as guilt, anxiety, and relief.

Grief is a process that takes time to work through. It is essential to allow yourself adequate time and space to grieve. There is no “right” or “wrong” way to grieve; ultimately, the goal is to come to terms with the loss and find a way to move forward.

Our Top Remedies for Grief

Ignatia – Distressed and tearful, with a lump in your throat

This is a powerful remedy to take if you have lost a loved one or something you hold very dear. You might be very controlled with your emotions but find yourself sighing deeply, and this will alternate with a distressed, highly emotional state where you just cry your feelings out. You might also have the sensation of a lump in your throat. It’s almost like you are trying to swallow your grief. Consolation doesn’t help. It just makes you feel worse.

Natrum Mur – I am a rock, I am and island

Natrum Mur grief occurs from a rejection or deep disappointment as well as any kind of loss. Like Ignatia, consolation makes you feel worse and stops people from comforting you. You react with anger. You do not want to discuss your feelings or talk about what happened. You shut the emotion down and appear stoic, keeping yourself busy and getting on with life. You want to be left alone; this is when you feel safe to cry because you cannot cry in front of others. Being outside in the fresh air makes you feel better.

Natrum Mur is an excellent remedy to try if your grief is longstanding.

Phosphoric Acid – Grief with great exhaustion

This is a remedy for when you are completely overwhelmed and traumatized by grief and it has left you exhausted, despondent and apathetic. You feel spaced out, indifferent to everything and just want to be left alone. The sheer effort involved in talking to anyone about anything is just too much to contemplate. Short naps help you feel better, and while you have no appetite, you crave fizzy drinks and refreshing things.

Pulsatilla – Easy to cry, and you feel abandoned.

Pulsatilla helps grief that leaves you feeling abandoned or forsaken. You are easily moved to tears and don’t care who sees you cry. You weep when you are happy, you weep when you are sad, and you can hardly speak without weeping. You are worried that you are unlovable and crave positive attention or affection. Good company and being comforted make you feel much better, but nothing works as well as a hug.

Rescue Remedy – A great calming influence which you can take alongside remedies

Rescue remedy is a mix of 5 flower remedies:

  • Rock Rose – For terror and panic
  • Impatiens – For irritation and impatience
  • Clematis – For inattentiveness and lack of focus
  • Star of Bethlehem – For shock and grief
  • Cherry Plum – For irrational thoughts and a lack of self-control.

This is a great little bottle to have on hand when you are experiencing grief. A few drops under the tongue a couple of times a day can help take the edge off any overly emotional situations and help you remain composed and present.

“Little by little, we let go of loss but never of love.” – Unknown.

Grief is a natural response to loss. It is the process of mourning and is unique to each individual. There is no right or wrong way to grieve, and there is no timeline for grief. Some people may feel “stuck” in grief, but it is important to remember that grief is a journey, not a destination. Every person will eventually find their own way through the grieving process. In the meantime, it is important to be patient with yourself and seek support from others who have been through similar experiences. Grief can be a difficult and painful journey, but ultimately it is a sign that you have been lucky enough to love so very deeply. 

Homeopathic Education Institute

Homeopathic Education Institute
