Homeopathic Education Institute

Homeopathic Tissue Cell Salts

Homeopathic Tissue Cell Salts Webinar


Webinar on Homeopathic Tissue Cell Salts
Wednesday, February 5, 2020, 1 hour

Homeopathic tissue salts are discussed the practical utilization of the Schuessler cell salts in nutritional therapy as a safe and effective modality for all life stages, including pregnancy and lactation, as well as an adjunct to complementary and conventional medical treatment.

Students and practitioners will greatly benefit from the information presented, not only by incorporating the knowledge into clinical practice, but also for personal use. The instructor briefly discussed the history of Homeopathic tissue salts, the methods of preparation, dilution and dosage guidelines. The webinar focuses on a few homeopathic tissue salts for nervous system and memory support.

All remedies discussed in this course may be purchased at www.HomeopathicRemediesOnline.com

For chronic care and complex health issues that require professional homeopathic care, please contact us.

List of Homeopathic Tissue Salts and Their Use

#1 CALC FLUOR (Calcarea Fluorica; Calcium Fluoride)

  • poor tooth enamel
  • cracks in palms of hands, lips
  • hemorrhoids
  • Found in enamel of bones and teeth, elastic fibers of the skin, connective tissue and in the blood vessels. It is used for bony tumors; sluggish circulation; cracks in the skin, loss of elasticity; rough, loose and sensitive teeth; delayed dentition; relaxation of tissues and blood vessels causing in flabby flesh; varicose veins; hemorrhoids and displacements of organs.

#2 CALC PHOS (Calcarea Phosphorica; Calcium Phosphate)

  • teething remedy
  • upset stomach
  • post-nasal drip
  • chronic cold feet
  • poor dentition
  • Found in fertile soil, new blood cells, bone, gastric juices and dentin of teeth. It is used for growth problems; broken bones; cramps; spasms; numbness; cold feelings in the body and head; sluggish circulation; susceptibility to colds and mucous; spinal curvature; sore breasts; chronic tonsillitis; cracks in the skin and night sweats.

#3 CALC SULPH (Calcarea Sulphurica; Calcium Sulphate)

  • sores that heal poorly
  • herpes blisters
  • pain in forehead
  • vertigo
  • pimples on the face
  • In nature occurs as gypsum, alabaster, selenite or commercially known as “plaster of Paris”. Present in connective tissue and in liver cells. Used for cellular regeneration; infection due to pus; pimples, sore throats, colds, pancreatic, liver and kidney disturbances; frontal headaches with nausea; excessive sensitivity of nerves as well as cravings for fruit and acids.

#4 FERRUM PHOS (Ferrum Phosphate; Ferrum Phosphate)

  • first stages of inflammation, redness, swelling, early fever
  • congestive headache
  • earache
  • sore throat
  • loss of voice from overuse
  • Found in all cells of the body but primarily in the hemoglobin of red blood cells and in the muscle cells of the blood and lymph vessels and in hair cells. Used for acute phases of disease. Increases body development; regulates the bowels; improves the appetite and relieves debility and listlessness. Also used in vomiting of food and blood; nosebleeds; teething fever; inflamed hemorrhoids; retention of urine in children; excessive menses; congestion, inflammatory pain in general, high temperatures, increased heart rates, insomnia and congestive headaches.

#5 KALI MUR (Kali Muriaticum; Potassium Chloride)

  • white mucus, swollen glands
  • white or gray coated tongue, glandular swellings
  • discharge of white, thick mucus from nose or eyes
  • indigestion from rich food
  • Special affinity for fibrin and is useful in diseases causing blisters. Indicated in all inflammatory or catarrhal conditions such as chickenpox, measles, burns and scalds, leucorrhea (white blood cells flowing out of the system via diarrhea), jaundice, acne and asthma. It is also used for sluggish conditions, sore throat, white colored tongue, light colored stools, coughs and colds.

 #6 KALI  PHOS (Kali Phosphoricum; Potassium Phosphate)

  • mental/emotional symptoms predominate
  • feel as if “I’m too tired to rest.” 
  • anxiety, brain fatigue, irritability, temper-tantrums, sleeplessness, dizziness, nervous asthma
  • easily bleeding gums
  • helps individuals to cope with life’s pressures.
  • has a calming effect, especially where there is nervous tension or “butterflies in the stomach” before an event or exam.
  • assists with digestive problems related to stress.
  • Found in all cells, especially the gray matter of the brain, nerves, muscles, blood cells and plasma. All oxidation processes use this. The exchange of gasses in respiration and breakdown of fatty tissue depends on it. It is natures’ great “antiseptic” hindering decay in the organism. A remedy for offensive secretions and excretions, for nerve depression or excitement, sexual impotence, nervous headaches, lack of pep, ill humor, skin ailments, occasional sleeplessness, timidity, tantrums, loss of nerve and mental power or after great mental and bodily strain, and for nervous giddiness and squinting.

#7 KALI SULPH (Kali Sulphuricum; Potassium Sulphate)

  • yellow mucus, later stages of illness
  • congestion and cough worse in evening
  • dandruff
  • yellow coated tongue
  • yellow crusts on eyelids
  • gas, poor digestion Found in epidermis and epithelial cells. Carries oxygen to the cells. Used for hot flashes; chills; weariness; heaviness; giddiness; boxed in feelings; stomach catarrh; inflammatory conditions; eruptions of the skin; shifting pains; palpitations; anxiety; fear; sadness; toothaches; headaches and pains in limbs that tend to increase indoors especially in warm and close rooms or in the warm air of the summer; yellow/slimy catarrhal discharges; dandruff; psoriasis and diseases of the nails (rough or ribbed).

#8 MAGNESIUM PHOS (Magnesia Phosphorica; Magnesium Phosphate)

  • relieves stomach cramps, heartburn, colic and flatulence
  • muscle spasms
  • cramps and menstrual cramps, if always better with heat
  • hiccups
  • trembling of hands
  • teeth sensitive to cold
  • It is a constituent of bone, teeth, white matter of brain tissue, nerve, muscle and blood cells. Contained in beer and cereals. Note a craving for beer may mean a deficiency of Mag. Phos. Used for headaches with darting stabs of pain, muscular twitching, rheumatic pains, throat spasms, muscle cramps, hiccoughs, squinting, teething, hypertrophy of the prostate gland, colic, asthma, spasmodic palpitation of the heart, spasmodic yawning, menstrual pain, stomach cramps, flatulence, neuralgia, sciatica, insomnia from brain exhaustion and in profuse sweating.

#9 NAT MUR (Natrum Muriate; Sodium Chloride)

  • dryness of body openings
  • clear thin mucus
  • effects of excess overheating
  • itching of hair at nape of neck
  • early stage of common colds with clear
  • running discharge
  • insect bites (applied locally)
  • Found in every liquid and solid in the body. A salt craving is indicative of deficiency, but the molecules of table salt are so big they cannot attach to the cells. It is the most important cell salt of the body as all the other cells are dependent on it for their distribution. Used for delirium tremors, eyestrain, vomiting of watery mucous, hay fever, low spirits, heartburn, toothaches, craving for salt and salty foods, weak eyes, either excess of heavy sleep or insomnia, falling hair, early morning headaches, headaches with constipation, chronic constipation due to dehydration, rapid pulse intermittent with palpitation, hangnails, cracked finger tips, numbness of the hands and feet and greasy skin.

#10 NAT PHOS (Natrum Phosphoricum; Sodium Phosphate)

  • simple morning sickness
  • acid rising in throat, heartburn (this cell salt neutralizes stomach acid)
  • headache on crown of head
  • eyelids glued together in morning
  • grinding of teeth in sleep
  • pain and sour risings from stomach after eating
  • digestive problems such as sour reflux, ulcers, heartburn, nausea and discomfort indicate a Nat. Phos. deficiency.
  • use where the body is overly acidic, acid gets deposited in the joints, which can result in painful inflammation.
  • excess stomach acid can be avoided by eating foods that are more alkaline, such as almonds and leafy vegetables. Avoid smoking and consuming alcohol.
  • Do not take anti-inflammatory drugs as they may predispose a person to excess stomach acid.
  • Found in blood, muscles, nerves and brain cells and in intracellular fluid. Converts lactic acid into its byproducts. Used for gout, stiffness, swollen joints, lumbago, inflammatory rheumatism, high cholesterol, acid blood, headaches on top of the head, sour breath, pain over and inside the eyeballs, red blotched tongue coated yellow at the root, nausea, loss of appetite and habitual constipation.

#11 NAT SULPH (Natrum Sulphuricum; Sodium Sulphate)

  • green stools and other excess bile symptoms
  • sensitive scalp
  • greenish-gray or greenish-brown coating on tongue
  • influenza
  • Found in the intercellular fluids – the fluid between each cell. Draws water out of the cells helping them to breakdown to be recycled. Used for influenza, humid asthma, malaria, liver ailments, vesicular eruptions containing serum, herpes, twitching of hands and feet, constipation, liver and kidney disorders, gallbladder troubles, earache, burning in nose and mouth, brownish green coating of the tongue, bitter taste in the mouth, enlarged prostate and awakening at night with asthma attacks.

#12 SILICEA (Silicic acid or silica)

  • white pus forming conditions
  • boils (“homeopathic lancet”)
  • stony-hard glands
  • stye in eye area
  • scar tissue
  • tonsillitis
  • brittle nails
  • Nursing moms can take doses daily to prevent mastitis
  • Found in connective tissue and in the brain. Found in bran, egg whites, hair, nails, epidermis, and in connective tissue. Used for fatigue, greater mental than physical strength, over-sensitivity to noises, absentmindedness, crankiness, headaches from nape of neck to top of head settling in one eye, nausea, nervous exhaustion, falling hair, sties, floating spots before eyes, red tip of nose, violent sneezing, thickening of nasal mucus membranes with congestion, intensely painful hemorrhoids, large abdomen in children, uric acid deposits in urine, smelly feet and armpits, pus formation, boils, tonsillitis, stomach pains, brittle / ribbed nails with white spots and weak ankles.

Homeopathic Education Institute
