Homeopathic Essentials

Homeopathic Essentials


This course is about the most important homeopathic essentials to have on hand.  The course is entitled “Homeopathic Essentials for Your Purse, Pocket, or Briefcase” by Dr. Heidi Weinhold.

Let’s face it, accidents are not planned. Falls can result in bruises or sprains, and stressful or dangerous situations can come out of nowhere. That’s why I always carry homeopathic essentials. In this program, we’ll discuss my short list of must-have medicines that can assist you, your friends, or family members in moments of distress.

Heidi Weinhold, ND, specializes in homeopathy, nutritional supplements, and customized botanicals. She holds a four-year degree from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine (SCNM) in Tempe, Arizona, where her studies included drug-herb interactions, homeopathic intakes, dialoguing with physicians, and incorporating natural modalities. In 2017, SCNM awarded her an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters.

Watch this course for free at https://training.boironusa.com/hcp/2021/05/21/homeopathic-essentials/

All remedies discussed in this course may be purchased at www.HomeopathicRemediesOnline.com

For chronic care and complex health issues that require professional homeopathic care, please contact us.

Homeopathic Education Institute

Homeopathic Education Institute
