Homeopathy As Nanopharmacology

Homeopathy as Nanopharmacology

Homeopathy is widely considered safe because of the special preparation process for homeopathic remedies. This involves repeated steps of dilution and succussion of shaking at each dilution. Common potencies used are “30C,” which has been diluted 1:100 thirty times and “200C,” which has been diluted 1:100 two hundred times. This program will examine the latest research showing these dilutions still contain nanoparticles of the starting materials, and why researchers now consider homeopathy a form of nanopharmacology.

Timothy Fior, MD, DHt, has been practicing family medicine and homeopathy in the Chicagoland area since 1988. He is a founding partner in the Center for Integral Health and adjunct faculty at National University of the Health Sciences, both in Lombard, Illinois. He has written an eBook, “Essentials of Homeopathic Medicine,” which may be found on the Apple Books app. He is the current president of the Illinois Homeopathic Medical Association and the Secretary of the American Board of Homeotherapeutics.

This https://training.boironusa.com/hcp/2021/06/24/homeopathy-as-nanopharmacology/

All remedies discussed in this course may be purchased at www.HomeopathicRemediesOnline.com

For chronic care and complex health issues that require professional homeopathic care, please contact us.

Homeopathic Education Institute

Homeopathic Education Institute
