Homeopathy For Cuts, Grazes and Wounds

Homeopathy For Cuts, Grazes and Wounds

The Center For Homeopathic Education – United Kingdom

All remedies discussed in this course may be purchased at www.HomeopathicRemediesOnline.com

For chronic care and complex health issues that require professional homeopathic care, please contact us.

Learn about homeopathy for cuts, grazes and wounds. Learn the use of the most common homeopathic remedies and herbal remedies that will help with rapid healing for these types of wounds.

Included remedies in this video are: Arnica, Calendula, Hypericum, Ledum, Staphysagria, Tumeric (herb),  Cayene Pepper (herb), Hepar Sulphur, Calc Sulph, Lachesis and Nitric Acid.


Homeopathic Education Institute

Homeopathic Education Institute
