Homeopathy For Chilblains

Homeopathy For Chilblains

The Center For Homeopathic Education – United Kingdom

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Homeopathy for chillblains is a used when there are painful blue or red, itchy patches that appear on your skin after exposure to the cold.  Chillblains are caused by poor circulation and usually appear a few hours after you’ve been in the cold, making the tiny blood vessels in your fingers and toes smaller.

Chilblains are painful blue or red, itchy patches that appear on your skin after exposure to the cold. They are caused by poor circulation and usually appear a few hours after you’ve been in the cold, making the tiny blood vessels in your fingers and toes smaller This stops blood from moving around as easily. If you warm up too quickly, the blood vessels get bigger again, and blood rushes to your fingers and toes. This can cause pain or swelling. Chilblains most commonly appear on your fingers and toes, but you can also get them on your face and legs. In some cases, they can become infected and ulcerate, but they usually clear up on their own within two to three weeks. But homeopathy can work wonders for relieving chilblains.

Homeopathic Education Institute

Homeopathic Education Institute
