Antibiotics Detox Course

Antibiotics Detox Course

This is a paid course, with approval from the supervising Instructor/Practitioner.  Contact us for more information about enrollment.

The Antibiotics Detox Course is for parents of children or adults who have had round(s) of antibiotics prescribed, including from any time in the past. This Course teaches highly effective homeopathic detox methods and mineral rebalancing strategies to help to efficiently remove blocks to optimum health.  Once antibiotics are given, established biofilms are formed as well as the formation of a “leaky gut”.  These systemic issues can be effectively addressed with homeopathic methods.  Antibiotic Detox Programs are available for those who complete this course for infants, children and adults with any history of any type of antibiotics, given at any age.

Completing a Antibiotic Detox Program after this course has been completed takes about 3 to 4 consecutive months.  All antibiotics used, regardless of the type,  can often be addressed in a single rebalancing cycle during this time, all together as a combination.

About The Antibiotic Detox Course and Program

  • Course Cost: Contact us for pricing.
  • The Course fee does not include the cost of monthly supervision services or the homeopathic remedies required for this detox cycle.
  • Course Duration: 8  to 10 hours online, done from home at your convenience.
  • The course fee includes a 2 hour Skype consultation to customize the Program for the person with an expert Course Instructor/Homeopathic Practitioner.
  • Completion:  This course must be completed within 30 days from enrollment.
  • Enrollment Procedure:  Requires the completion of a detailed Brief Medical History for acceptance into this Course and Program. 
  • Detox Method Timeline: It takes about 3 to 4 months to complete one antibiotic detox cycle.  All of the antibiotics used may be cleared all together in this same time period, using a special combination homeopathic remedy.
  • Monthly Care Supervision Fee: Ongoing monthly fees apply per month for about 3 to 4 months for Course Instructor/Homeopathic Practitioner access and support. Contact us for pricing details.

More Details About The Antibiotic Detox Course and Program

  • This Antibiotics Detox Course and Program is available for new clients living in the USA.
  • The Antibiotic Detox Program is for those with chronic health issues that they believe are related to a history of past antibiotic use or overuse.
  • The Course takes about 8 hours to complete online.
  • A review of the antibiotics  received and recommendations on which homeopathic remedies will best address their removal.
  • Fees are charged for the duration of the program until the detox cycle is completed.
  • The monthly fees do not include the cost of hair testing (HTMA), or the required nutritional supplements or homeopathic remedies.
  • This program requires ongoing supervision from the Course Instructor / Homeopathic Practitioner and services are email based.
  • The required homeopathic remedies that help the body to clear the antibiotic drugs are at an additional fee.
  • Enrolled clients will have access to purchase the required homeopathic remedies.
  • The Course Instructor is a specialist with many years of clinical experience in helping clients to reverse the side effects from antibiotic use, which include a chronic candida infections, digestive issues, a leaky gut, vaginal infections in women, and a systemic yeast overgrowth.
  • In addition to homeopathic detox protocols, hair testing and targeted nutrient supports are also used in the program.
  • Written dosing instructions are provided and a detailed online reporting is required to track progress in this program.
  • The Course includes specific antibiotic detox protocols that have been used with hundreds of cases of antibiotic related health issues and many year of practice expertise in this area.
  • Homeopathic rebalancing methods help the body to reduce and remove the long term negative side effects of even a single use of antibiotics on overall gut health.
  • The Antibiotics Detox Course and Program helps to correct  a broad range of various types of health issues connected to suppressed infections and the formation of biofilms after antibiotic use, including anxiety, an ADHD, Autism or PANDAS/PANS diagnosis, emotional issues, gastrointestinal issues, neurological dysfunctions and immune system functions.
  • The results for clients in this program include: better digestion and absorption, improved health, increased energy, reduction or elimination of chronic yeast infections and other infections,  improved overall immune system function – and even weight loss.
  • Homeopathy can help to correct a compromised immune system and chronic disease(s) that were the result of antibiotic overuse or abuse.

Commonly Used Antibiotics That Can Be Detoxed Include Any Of The Following, In Any Combination, Given At Any Age:

  • Avelox
  • Aminoglycosides
  • Amoxicillin
  • Amoxicillin and Clavulanate
  • Amoxil
  • Augmentin
  • Aulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim
  • Azithromycin
  • Bactrim
  • Bactrim DS
  • Carbapenems
  • Cephalosporins
  • Cephalexin
  • Cipro
  • Ciprofloxacin
  • Cleocin
  • Clindamycin
  • Doxycycline
  • Flagyl
  • Flagyl ER
  • Glycopeptides
  • Keflex
  • Levofloxacin
  • Lincomycins
  • Macrolides
  • Metronidazole
  • Penicillins
  • Quinolones
  • Sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim
  • Sulfonamides
  • Tetracyclines
  • Etc.

What You Learn In the Antibiotics Detox Course

  1. About the homeopathic detox remedies that are used for a past antibiotics use that are highly effective and non-toxic.
  2. How remedies are used to help the body detox the various antibiotics that caused the original damage or injury to the gut and immune system.
  3. How this homeopathic method of doing a Antibiotic Detox has been used to provide help the body reverse damage and reduce the harmful overall effects of a all past antibiotics, regardless of the type of the reason they were originally prescribed.
  4. That a minimum of 3-4 months is normally needed to prepare the body to detox and to clear a antibiotic that was given.  Any combination of past antibiotics given can also be detoxed in this time frame.
  5. How constitutional homeopathy is also used to support the detox pathways  for a more efficient process.
  6. Specific nutrient therapies are included in the Antibiotic Detox Program help to simultaneously to increase essential nutrients that are missing or severely low in those with gut imbalances after the use of antibiotics.
  7. How additional therapeutic detoxification methods are also used to support the body to detox held candida, bacterial infections, yeast overgrowth and cloaked heavy metals – all of which can be in biofilms formed after the use of antibiotics.
  8. Why a HTMA – hair tissue mineral analysis is also recommended in order to evaluate the exact tissue levels for 34 essential minerals, 8 heavy metals and 7 significant mineral ratios that identify overall health status.
Homeopathic Education Institute

Homeopathic Education Institute
